A Heartwarming Rescue: Senior Dog Rescued from Rooftop After Losing Sight in Contaminated Flood Waters in Kherson

In the year 2023, specifically on June 6, the Kakhovka dam situated in southern Ukraine gave out. According to reports, the collapse was caused by Russian forces who allegedly blew up the dam and hydroelectric power station located on the Dnieper River. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has described it as the biggest environmental disaster in Europe that was man-made and has occurred in decades.

stranded dogs Kherson

Ever since the water levels started to rise, it has caused a nightmare for both humans and animals residing in the affected areas. The flooded villages and towns have become a challenge for evacuation efforts. Amidst this chaos, a heart-wrenching sight was witnessed when a senior dog was found stranded on a rooftop in Kherson, surrounded by what now appeared to be a lake.

three dogs stranded in flood water

It was even more heart-wrenching to learn that the unfortunate canine had lost his sight due to the pollutants in the water. The dog had been crying out for three consecutive days in hopes of finding someone to save him. As the water levels continued to rise rapidly, swift action was necessary.

dog stranded in flood water

It’s a relief that there are individuals and volunteer organizations who are compassionate enough to lend a hand during times of crisis. The recent dam collapse left many people stranded, but thankfully, there were kind souls who stepped up to help. Among them is @lovefurryfriends, a modest rescue group that has been dedicated to rescuing abandoned and lost animals since the start of the war.

dog stranded on porch

With their essential equipment like boats and animal carriers, they ventured into the murky waters filled with floating mines to carry out risky rescue missions. Their first rescue operation involved three dogs perched on floating lumber and debris, adding to the already nerve-wracking and perilous task.

wounded dog

As they made their way through the affected areas, the rescuers came across countless animals with injuries and oil stains on their bodies. These poor creatures were visibly scared, hungry, and tired. The team worked tirelessly to load them onto different types of boats and transfer them to safer grounds. Once there, the animals were given care and attention, including cleaning, check-ups, and nourishment.

sick dog

Despite the chaos in the area, the animals were still able to receive help from their rescuers even amidst the shelling attack which frightened both the confused animals and the rescuers themselves. Despite all of this, the rescuers remained persistent and determined to help the animals. When the curfew arrived at 11 PM, they brought the animals to a veterinarian clinic in secrecy to receive the necessary treatment. A lot of the animals require urgent medical assistance, with some of them being in a critical state.

rescue dog

The whole situation was quite intense, as one would imagine. However, it was particularly heart-wrenching to see a senior dog who had lost his sight due to the oil on the water’s surface. Despite being in the care of skilled veterinarians, he was very frail. Nonetheless, he had a healthy appetite, and the medical team was doing all they could to preserve any remaining vision he had.

Sick dog on the mend

Amidst all the chaos, the veterinarians and rescue workers were unwavering in their dedication. Despite the overwhelming fear and commotion, they continued to provide care without fail. They even used heat lamps to ensure the comfort of the animals in their charge.

young dog at Kherson vet clinic

If you wish to lend a hand by providing a home or funding for these vulnerable dogs, feel free to get in touch with the aid organization at [email protected]. It’s always great to support animal rescues in any location. Don’t forget to also watch the amazing video clip provided below.

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